Benny Gibson on Rehabilitation in Rhode Island

Benny Gibson on Rehabilitation

Meet the next member of The Cedars’ family tree. Today we are introducing CNA Benny Gibson. Benny has worked with patients for six years at The Cedar’s rehabilitation facilities. Listen to him discuss what a normal day looks like for him, along with some not so normal days that took place during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Rehabilitation and Restorative Sessions

Benny’s career in skilled nursing started after high school. He worked in a nursing home for over twenty years first in housekeeping, next as a floor technician, and then in patient care. The part he enjoys most about personalized healthcare is watching patients set goals and getting to be a part of the recovery process. Benny is also a Restorative CNA, so every other weekend he is at the Cedars to assist patients with their exercises, ensuring they are able to maintain the progress made during rehabilitation.

Transforming a Rehabilitation Unit during COVID-19

Benny had no hesitations about volunteering in the COVID unit. According to him, “That’s our job, we have got to take care of our people no matter what.” It was a scary time for patients, staff, and family members, since every day could bring an unexpected turn for the worse. The COVID unit would come work every day and stand outside the COVID doors and gown up from head to toe—mask, gloves, googles, gowns—and worked in that for 12 hour shifts. CNAs and nurses went in to the rooms of COVID positive patients in pairs like that, working side by side.

Rehabilitation in Cranston, Rhode Island

When it came to working in the COVID unit, Benny said that it was of course yes, comparing it it to someone asking if you would take care of your own mother. Out and about, he says he has been recognized by people who know him for taking care of their relatives. People call and send Christmas cards to The Cedars every year, because of the connections they made. The connections between the CNAs and nurses are just as strong. Benny trains most of the new CNAs, and is grateful for the directors of nursing and healthcare providers, saying that they all learn from each other when it comes to careers in nursing.

For more than 40 years The Cedars has provided skilled nursing, long term care & short term care, rehabilitation, and home care services all throughout Rhode Island.

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