Looking Ahead to Brighter Days

It’s hard to believe that only a few short months ago, we were celebrating and jitterbugging away at our 50th anniversary party. Several people mentioned that night how much love was in the room. It was clear to see. Love rooted in years of working as a team to care for our residents and patients, yet so much more. Over the years, we became more than colleagues. We grew into a family. #TeamCedars is bonded by much more than just sharing the same workplace. We are people connected by love. Little did we know that evening how much that love would soon be tested.

Love Gives Us Strength

This unprecedented pandemic has put us all to the test and has changed our lives forever. But because of the powerful love we have for each another and to those in our care, we have endured. We have forged a collective armor of extraordinary strength that is providing protection and comfort as we face this historic trial together. Words do not adequately express how thankful and blessed I feel to know each one of you. I am in awe of your bravery, your dedication, and your compassion. You are the true heroes in this story. I know that our families, residents and patients share with me an eternal gratitude for your strength and selflessness.

Better Days are Coming

While we have lived through dark days, light is around the corner. Spring has sprung with flowers in bloom and each day that passes gets brighter. It fills me with hope that we will soon be past this ordeal and back to enjoying everything that we have dearly missed. I imagine gatherings of my family and friends at the Lake with so much more than the normal anticipation after a long winter. Those warm summer days ahead will be beautiful simply because we are together again. So, I’m going to ask you to join me in the light and indulge in a little time travel. What is the first thing you’re going to do when you can again? Who are going to spend time with? What restaurant will be your first meal out? Where will you go on vacation? Disney? Or grilling in your own backyard with 20 of your friends – not 6 feet apart! Let’s look forward together!

I’ll start. I can’t wait to:

My top 3 on my list of things to look forward to are 1.  Have my family and friends meet in person my baby granddaughter Zia, born March 23rd  2. Having a cold drink and dine outside at The Matunuck Oyster Bar 3. Grilling, boating, swimming and enjoying the lake with whomever wants to join me!

Susan Whipple and Family at Matunuck Oyster Bar

Help us to look ahead to sunny days and friendly embraces. Please post what you’ve missed most and look forward to doing again soon. Share with us pictures of happy times so we can push forward to #Betterdaysahead. Share on social media with your friends and family!

Remember, “Kindness to you is Kindness to Me”. I can’t wait to give you a hug!  Love, Sue


Mother’s Day at Cedar Crest


A Prescription for Kindness During Chaos