Our Time to Shine

From the desk of Susan Whipple, CEO/Administrator, The Cedars

While It seems like the distant past, it was exactly a year ago in October that The Cedars was honored to receive The Silver Award from the American Health Care Association.  I was extremely proud of my staff as I crossed the stage that day to accept the award on our behalf.  

I had no idea then that I could feel even prouder.  This pandemic has tested the caliber every nursing home employee.  I feel privileged to know each incredible member of Team Cedars who have worked together to overcome fear with love and strength and ceaselessly care for our residents and patients during this harrowing time. 

Our story about winning the Silver Award featured in the 2020 Rhode Island Health Association Quality Report which was ill-fated to be published in March.  Having walked through the darkness these last several months, I thought now seemed a good time to shine a light on the exceptional care provided by Rhode Island nursing centers. Our story that follows is one example.  


Laughter Is Powerful Medicine


Mother’s Day at Cedar Crest