Pulmonary Heart Disease: Important Tips for Heart Health

Pulmonary heart disease is the failure of the right ventricle of the heart –usually a result of high pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs. Since the heart and lungs are intricately related, when the lungs are affected, the heart is as well..

While it isn’t always possible to prevent pulmonary heart disease, there are steps you can take to help lower your risk. These same steps also help with recovery after cardiac issues.

At The Cedars we recommend these steps to our patients in our Cardiac Care Program to keep the heart and lungs as healthy as possible both before and after heart disease occurs.

Environmental Modifications


Both firsthand and secondhand smoke can cause pulmonary heart disease. It’s important to give up smoking if you smoke, and to avoid secondhand smoke as much as possible.


Exposure to radon gas can contribute to lung disease. It’s important to obtain a kit for radon testing for your home. Refer to the Environment Protection Agency for information on handling radon gas in your home.


Asbestos is another danger. It’s important to use protective gear and check your exposure levels regularly to ensure you are not exposed to it in your home.


Chemicals such as paint fumes, or strong cleaning agents can also contribute to pulmonary heart disease. Make sure you are not breathing in these harmful chemicals in your home.


Exercising regularly is important to help control your blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Exercising daily for at least thirty minutes is a great way to improve overall health.


After a cardiac issue the body often struggles to regain its previous strength. Physical therapy and occupational therapy help to get the body back to normal function.

Medication Management

Both before and after cardiac issues people may have multiple medications. It’s important to have guidance so the medication plan is followed accurately.

Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

A healthy diet that’s rich in antioxidants can lower your risk of lung cancer. Vaccinations can reduce your chance of flu and pneumonia, helping to keep your lungs healthy.

While not all cases of pulmonary heart disease can be prevented, in some cases, taking care to keep your heart and lungs healthy can help. In addition to the above steps, taking measures to prevent coronary heart disease as well as chronic liver disease, and working to control your blood pressure can also help. Maintaining all aspects of health may be difficult. Our skilled staff offers supportive services to promote proper recovery and help the patient return to daily activities.

If you or a loved one has pulmonary heart disease and requires in-home care, contact The Cedars. We provide home care services for Rhode Island. Individuals on our home health staff are highly trained and experienced and are able to provide a range of home health services.


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