3 Tips for Capturing Memories for Seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease

Guests admired the red, white and blue décor and listened to patriotic tunes while waiting for the ceremonies to begin at a recent event held at The Cedars in Cranston Helping seniors to relive special memories can be a rewarding and tremendously valuable experience.

For someone with Alzheimer’s disease, trying to recall special memories can be challenging –and often, embarrassing.

But just because they can’t remember everything doesn’t mean that you should forgo reminiscing with them. Learning to help your loved one during this time can be both reassuring and comforting to them. There are ways to bring up past memories and gently encourage them to remember certain things.

Here are three tips to help you capture, and relive memories with your loved one.

Pictures or Mementoes

Bringing in pictures or special and treasured items can be a great way to spark a memory. If you notice a certain picture seems to engage them better than others, or reminds them of something specific, be sure to set aside those images and bring them with you the next time you visit.

Engage Them and Others in a Conversation

Putting a senior with Alzheimer’s on the spot can be frustrating as well as embarrassing to them, especially when they don’t remember the specific time or memory you are talking about. Instead of asking if they remember a specific event, remind them of a special or meaningful moment that you know was important to them. Or engage in conversation with other close family members, and include them in the conversation as well.


Scientific studies have shown that Alzheimer’s patients who received a familiar music intervention showed a stabilization or improvement in aspects of self-consciousness. In those who have profound memory loss, a song may help bring back the past or trigger a memory.

It’s important not to overwhelm or interrogate someone suffering from Alzheimer’s. Be patient with them and remember that this is just as hard on them as it is on you. Look for opportunities to relive special memories, and help to reduce frustration by involving your loved one in activities that they can participate in.

Being mindful of your loved one’s needs will produce the best results, and will make reminiscing a more enjoyable experience for everyone.

The Cedars provides short-stay care, long-stay care, and home health care in Rhode Island. For more information, visit The Cedars today.


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