Cedar Crest Free of Health Deficiencies!

Dear Employees,

What better way to start a new year but to have the Rhode Island Department of Health find you free of Health Deficiencies! The D.O.H. is the ultimate authority in surveying the quality of care in nursing facilities in the state of RI.  We’re surveyed against Federal regulations. There are hundreds of areas that could be potential issues but the survey team felt strongly that this was a great environment of care. 

This amazing accomplishment is only achieved through a true spirit of teamwork. You’re all the best of the best and prove it every day.

I’m very proud to be the owner of Cedar Crest. We are one of the few remaining family owned facilities in the state. You’re a part of our family! I hope you’re as proud as I am!

Thank you and Happy New Year,

Susan K. Whipple NHA, CEO/Administrator


A Healing Environment


Home Health, Nutrition and the Holiday Season