A Healing Environment

Recovering from an illness or injury can be a very stressful experience. A healing environment can impact positively on this experience. Research suggests a well designed environment of care can promote wellness and a speedy recovery. The environment created is a great compliment to skilled medical care.

Some examples of elements that affect someone’s wellness and recovery can be a view of the outdoors, natural lighting, indoor plants and flowers as well as pictures of nature. Just viewing nature may help recovery and significantly reduce stress, reduce anger and fear and increase pleasant feelings. Research also shows that color can have a significant effect on health. Generally softer colors and earth tones affect a persons well being.

A healing environment of care should be well organized and tidy with no clutter.  Noise levels should be considered as unpleasant noises can negatively impact your environment.  At the same time, sentimental objects or photos of loved ones close at hand can provide a sense of familiarity and comfort.  Works of art on walls, especially depicting nature can be very helpful too.

Natural light is associated with improved mood, enhanced moral and lower fatigue.  While capturing as much day light as possible it can be supplemented with various other light sources such as a floor lamp.  Finally, a primary element of a healing environment will include safety. Elements such as non slip mats and grab bars in showers and tubs might be helpful and to the extent possible stairs and handrails etc should be in good repair.

The Cedar’s skilled nursing and rehab healing environment incorporates many of the above elements.  Our new Independence Way has been specifically designed with the professional advice from Cardi’s Furniture. We have created an environment of care that promotes privacy, dignity, and healing in a setting that encourages  wellness and recovery.  Staff are very mindful of the importance of noise level and high quality service to ensure comfort as well as the necessary provisions of skilled care.

The Cedar’s Home Health Care Program also lends support to patients in their homes providing education and awareness of how an environment of care can impact someone’s wellness and recovery.  Some of the same elements listed above can be incorporated into a patient’s home allowing for an improved recovery experience.  Please contact us for more information on this article or any services.  401.944.8500 ext. 174

Sites Referenced

University of Minnesota

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