The Importance of Speech Therapy for Seniors

Speech therapy can help seniors to communicate more effectively and enjoy a better quality of life.

Being able to communicate at any age is important, but it is especially important for seniors. If seniors can’t communicate a pain, a discomfort, or a simple issue –things can quickly get out of hand and in some cases can escalate to an emergency situation.

There are a number of situations where a senior could benefit from speech therapy. Speech therapy can help someone to recover from a stroke, or it may be beneficial in situations where you have noticed your loved one is having difficulties responding to or answering questions.

Here are a few situations where speech therapy may be recommended for seniors.

  • To Help With Weakened Vocal Cords

Vocal cords tend to become less elastic as they age and the larynx muscles can become weakened. This can make it difficult to speak or communicate in a normal fashion. Speech therapy can help seniors to re-learn how to speak, and will also provide vocal exercises to further facilitate this.

  • For Those Who Have Swallowing Problems

Speech therapy can be effective for seniors who develop swallowing problems. Therapy can help seniors improve chewing and swallowing, which can also help to reduce the risk of choking.

  • For Dementia Patients

It can be beneficial for those who are suffering from dementia to undergo speech therapy. This can help to preserve brain function associated with communication. In cases of dementia, speech therapy can help by addressing the cognitive aspects of communication, including attention, memory, and problem solving.

  • For Those Who Have Experienced a Stroke

Speech therapy is often recommended immediately following a stroke. Aphasia, which is a communication disorder that affects a person’s ability to communicate, is a common language impairment after a stroke. In fact, one in four stroke survivors will experience aphasia following a stroke. While it’s possible to recover speech, it’s important to begin treatment right away to increase the chances of a recovery.

If you notice that your loved one is having difficulty speaking or communicating, it may be time to consider speech therapy. Not only can speech therapy improve their speech and clarity –in some cases it can also help to improve cognitive language skills and memory.

At The Cedars, our Rhode Island Speech & Language Pathology specialists assist patients in achieving improved quality of life through assessment of language, swallowing and/or cognitive disorders. For more information on speech therapy for seniors contact The Cedars today.


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